SPUF Inspections
In-Field Audits for Spray Polyurethane Foam

Barrier Sciences Group's in-field SPUF inspection audits are carried out to ensure that all spray polyurethane foam installations have been done in a professional manner that meets or exceeds not only the customer's expectations, but also those laid out by the Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC) and the product manufacturer.
In order to ensure the highest quality of spray foam audit, Barrier Sciences Group has partnered with Caliber, the organization responsible for administration of the Caliber Quality Assurance Program.
What is a SPUF Inspection?
A BSG spray foam inspection is carried out at the project location and utilizes a number of variable checks to ensure the highest level of confidence in the foam installation. Inspections are personalized to fit the needs of our clients and are finalized with a data-driven, in-depth report.
By having an in-field audit carried out, you are ensuring that the spray polyurethane foam on your sites has been installed to the exact manufacturer specifications and all applicable industry standards. Barrier Sciences Group helps you keep projects on time, finished professionally, and in a manner that upholds the highest of construction standards.
What is involved in an in-field audit?
Barrier Sciences Group's in-field audit for spray polyurethane foam has been designed to be a comprehensive check on all relevant variables that ensure a professional install to manufacturer's specifications and government standards. Some of the variables BSG will be analyzing on-site include:
- Substrate Temperature Examination
- Substrate Moisture Level Examination
- Exterior Temperature and Humidity Levels
- SPUF Pull Checks
- Comprehensive Density Checks
- Substrate Adhesion Checks
- Foam Ratio Checks
- Average Foam Depth Checks
- And more...
Through the successful completion of our in-field spray foam inspection and issuing of the subsequent analysis, you can be sure that the installed product meets all manufacturer suggestions and government standards (CAN/ULC-S705.1 and S705.2).

Interested in discovering how Barrier Sciences Group can assist your projects with in-field spray foam inspections? Call 1-866-333-3920 or click here for more information.